Dear MP Network,
Although ‘weak on terror’ is a common phrase these days, ‘wrong on terror’ covers more ground and right now may reach even those who usually think any military reaction at all is ‘strong.’ But don’t just take my word for how ‘wrong’ it is . In case you missed it, below is the link for today’s brilliant Alternet article by MIT Professor of Political Science Stephen Van Evera, laying out all of the dangerous mistakes the Bush administration has made so far re terrorism.
His piece also suggests a comprehensive ‘strong counterrorism’ policy that would include better intelligence practices, more thorough homeland defenses, securing of nuclear and biological weapons in Russia and elsewhere, engaging in vigorous diplomacy, ending inflammatory conflicts like the Israeli-Palestinian one, and saving/resuscitating failed states.
Professor Van Evera is also the Associate Director of the MIT Center for International Studies, and a member of the MIT Security Studies Program.
Susan C. Strong, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
The Metaphor Project
The Bush Administration Is Weak on Terror
Despite the tough talk, Bush’s regime has more to help the terrorists than hurt them.