Some creations generated from standard American themes or stereotypes:
- Balancing our ecological (or environmental) budget, getting rid of the ecological deficit or debt, relying on ecological deficit financing, calling for an
ecological audit - Moving from the ‘me generation’ to the ‘we generation’
- ‘Pioneering a new green economy,’ ‘bioneering the new green economy’
- Making, gearing up for, or moving into the Green Shift (change to a green society, economy)
- Better green than gone
- Making the Earth, Planet, or future friendly choice
- Organic in every pot
Some families of other new combinations that have been tried out by writers, organizations and politicians:
- ‘healthy’ group: healthy wealth, healthy community, healthy city (‘clean’ is a subset, as is ‘livable’as in livable communities or livable world)
- ‘Smart’ group: smart growth, Earth smart car
- ‘Revolution’ group: the next industrial revolution
(‘next’ is category of its own), the clean revolution (Bill Ford, Chair of Ford Motors), the biophilia revolution (David Orr), eco-revolution - ‘Eco’ group: eco-society, eco-economy, eco-revolution, eco-renaissance, eco-economics, eco-food (opposite of frankenfood),eco-safe economy, ecotecture (Skip Wentz), eco-moguls (Time, Oct.18,’99), eco-pioneers, eco-tourism, ecocide, eco-smart living, eco-city, eco-village, global eco-village, eco-shift, eco-lifestyle, eco-audit, eco-enlightenment, Ecozoic era (Thomas Berry),ecopolis, ecodemocracy
- ‘Bio’ group: bioeconomics, biomimicry, bioneers, biorealism, biorenaissance, biophilia. bionomics, bioregionalism
- ‘Green’ group: ‘how green are you?’ (from a Costco newsletter, summer ’99), the Green GDP (Commerce Dept), (‘Viridian Manifesto’ is a new hip version of green announced in the summer ’99 issue of Whole Earth, ‘the Green era’ (Matthew Fox), a green economy (YES!), a Global Green Deal (Mark Hertsgaard)
- ‘Evolutionary’ group: the evolutionary corporation (YES!, Fall ’99), the evolutionary car (Toyota hybrid)
- ‘Natural’ group: The Natural Step (Karl Henrik Robert), natural capitalism (Paul Hawken)
Some Eco-Slogan Tweaks:
Ecocentric, not egocentric
Nature rules.
The rule of nature’s law (play on rule of law)
Trees are us.
Got air? or got oxygen? or got water?
Look out for #1 (with picture of Earth)
It’s our crib. (teen and black slang for home also with picture of Earth)
The Earth is the bottom line.
Earth-it’s the real thing.
lean and green
lean and clean
bill of eco-democracy rights
the clean air generation
Stop before you shop.
the ultimate green experience
manifest harmony
minimize your impact
barefoot solar luxury
the cooperative cure
green grandeur
Use it and reuse it.
Reuse it or lose it.
deja use
war on waste
Hate makes waste.
green dream
Jesus recycles.
don’t just do it, think about it.
Just recycle.
Win one for the planet.
solar security
We’re a solar family.
Double-glaze your house, not the planet. (or: not the sky?)
Only you can prevent climate change.
Do people change the climate? People do.
oil ill
ecological security
Earth-the lean green living machine
See the U.S.A. the hybrid way.
the electric Winnebago
Plug in, turn on, take a drive.
sports futility vehicle
I can’t believe I polluted the whole thing. (a sticker for SUVs.)
Friends don’t let friends drive an SUV.
The REAL SUV— a sustainable urban vehicle
Save our children’s children.
It’s x (you fill in the blank) o’clock. Do you know where your children’s future is?
Got safe food?
Got clean air?
Got clean water?
Got any topsoil left?
Got a future on this planet?
Save a planet, go to heaven.
The planet you save could be your own.
Friends don’t let friends trash our planet.
Friends don’t let friends eat genetically modified food.
a free-range chicken in every pot
Bigger is a bummer.
Invest in your planet.
keeping Earth safe for life
making Earth safe for life
Earth awareness-the new new frontier
fiddling while our planet starts to burn
‘ ‘ ‘ slowly burns
The mother of all crashes–not just stocks, not just computers, Earth systems.
Forest.gone (a play on .com)
Earth, the real world-wide web of life
the dead planet blues
the climate threat
climate shock
climate crash
climate decay
the weather threat
planet poison
planet poisoners
poisoning the planet
the sick planet plan
A sick planet kills.
A sick planet kills people.
Shall we pass on a better world or just pass on?
Earth-systems crash or soft landing?
true abundance (versus affluenza or accumulitis)
Some Notable Eco-Quotes:
‘The warm war,’ Arlie Hochschild, ATLANTIC, 2/01, referring to climate change political problems.
‘People exploit what they have merely concluded to be of value, but they defend what they love.’ Wendell Berry, in WHOLE EARTH, Fall 2000.
‘We don’t have an environmental problem, we have family relationship problems (with nature),’ George Work.
‘transpartisan,’ a word and concept created by Don Beck, co-author of SPIRAL DYNAMICS (
‘the Evernet,’ a name for the perpetually on and connected society in David Denby’s, ‘The Speed of Light,’ THE NEW YORKER, 11/27/00.
‘PAX GAIA’ Thomas Berry (YES, p. 46, Winter 2001.
‘Power is communion,’ Carolyn Raffensberger, YES, Winter 2001, p. 39 (see also Lakoff, MORAL POLITICS, re this idea).
‘corporate democracy’ J. K. Galbraith’s commentary on how the 2000 election was decided, via Tom Atlee’s list serve.
‘tend and befriend,’ (as opposed to fight or flight) sociological findings on stress behavior of women being different from men widely reported in 2000.
‘the tipping point,’ a phrase recently given new prominence by book of that name by Malcom Gladwell now beginning to be used as a catch phrase for lots of things.
‘Don’t listen to the hate channel,’ Carolyn Casey on not letting individual haters get to you.
‘speciescide,’ Don MacQueen, quoted in Richard Heinberg’s MUSE LETTER #107, December 2000, p. 3.
‘Bill of Responsibilities,’ William McDonough at Bioneers, 2000.
‘Declaration of Interdependence,’ also heard at Bioneers, 2000.
‘The Circle of Life,’ Julia Butterfly Hill.